Welcome! We are glad you found us. There are Franciscan fraternities all over the country. Our members are from all over central Indiana. We gather on the near northwest side of Indianapolis at Marian University. Below are answers to some common questions about us.

Why become a Secular Franciscan?

By joining a community of lay Franciscans, which is called a fraternity, and doing activities with them, e.g., prayer, studying the Gospels, community service, studying Franciscan writers, sharing sorrows and joys, celebrating important events, etc., it is easier to live as a lay Franciscan in the world. 

Think of the fraternity as a great resource for those exploring Franciscan spirituality or trying to live as lay Franciscans in the world.

Interested? Want to know about the process of becoming a secular Franciscan? Contact Patricia Marchino, OFS, our formation director, at patriciaSFO@att.net

Also, check out this article: Is God Calling You to the Secular Franciscan Order?

When and where does the fraternity gather?

Normally, the People of Peace Fraternity gathers the second Sunday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in room 107 or 222 in the Norman Center building at Marian University, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN 46222.  All are welcome.

What happens at a typical fraternity gathering?

From 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. we socialize. This builds community. Usually 18 - 24 members attend each gathering. Fraternity members bring food and beverages to share, e.g., cakes, cookies, deviled eggs, brownies, mixed nuts, chips, etc. Because of Covid-19 concerns, we have been asking people to bring store bought single servings of snacks.

Things get underway at 1:00 p.m. with prayer. We conduct some business, e.g., introduce guests, approve minutes of the last gathering, review finances, have announcements, discuss issues, etc. During all of this we "pass the basket" and those who are able make an offering to support the good works of the fraternity. Business takes about 10 minutes. Next, we have a presentation followed by a discussion. We conclude the gathering at 2:30 p.m. with prayer.

What are the presentations about?

The presentations are for ongoing formation. Sometimes we watch a video, listen to an audio recording, or someone will make a presentation on a topic relevant to Franciscan spirituality. Afterwards we break out into small groups for a 15 to 20 minute discussion. Then we come back together to share observations and insights. This approach helps us explore various aspects of the topic and allows everyone to be involved. 

What else does the fraternity do?

On the first Saturday of each month, several of us volunteer at a local homeless shelter. We prepare and serve lunch. Several members also buy and donate needed items, e.g., diapers, to the shelter. Most members are involved in some work of charity in their own parish.

Is everyone Catholic?

Yes, all fraternity members are Roman Catholic. It is a requirement.

Is the fraternity associated with Marian University?

No, not formally. It is just where we gather. Some members were once employees of the university. They are now retired or working somewhere else. So, there is an informal association.