Monday, October 3, 2011

New Developments

Three new developments:
  1. For the first time, yesterday, Sunday, October 2, 2011, the People of Peace SFO fraternity prayed together using "Franciscan Morning and Evening Praise."  It went really well. For the occasion, we borrowed the books from Marian University's Office of Campus Ministry.
  2. And, for its ongoing formation the fraternity is listening to "St. Francis of Assisi: A New Way of Being Christian" by Brother Bill Short, OFM. Next month, we will be listening to his third 20-minute lecture.
  3. Tentatively, formation meetings for inquirers and candidates will be moving to the first Sunday of the month. Formation will begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by mass at 11:30, followed by the fraternity meeting at 12:30. (Still working out the details.)

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