Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Laudato Si' Trivia Questions

How many times is Saint Francis of Assisi mentioned in the text of Laudato Si', Pope Francis' encyclical about the environment? How many times is Saint Bonaventure mentioned?

I'm participating in group discussion, via Zoom, about the encyclical and plan to take a close look at each reference to Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Bonaventure. However, to get started, I thought it would be a good idea to list them all. 

Papal encyclicals are available on the Vatican website, so that's where I started. Click on Laudato Si' and your computer's browser will take you right to the document.

Now, here is a great tip that many people aren't aware of.  Use Ctrl F on your keyboard to find the text you are looking for. After the page finished loading, I pressed Ctrl F on my keyboard and searched for "Francis of Assisi" and "Saint Francis of Assisi." There are 7 references. Next, I searched searched for "Bonaventure" and "Saint Bonaventure." There are 4 references to him. Don't forget to spell out "Saint."

It also is good to look at the references at the end of the encyclical. By the way, you can also download the encyclical as PDF to your computer. 

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